I often blog about Grace and being a mom but today I want to talk about my husband, Matt! Grace and baby girl to be wouldn't even exist if it weren't for my wonderful husband who, despite my crazy quirks and lack of common sense, decided to marry me four years ago today!
It's crazy to look back on your life and all the mins, hours, days, weeks,months, and years that led you to where you are today! I remember praying for my husband to be and just praying period that the Lord would bring the right man into my life to be my husband and the father of my children. I remember days where it seemed like that day might never happen. I had to slay a lot of dragons to get to my prince! But on March 21st, 2003, in a very unlikely place ( if you don't know the story of how we met you'll have to ask me later..that's another story) God brought us together. We weren't even ready for each other at the time but after much time, struggles,joys, and hurts....He took two messed up individuals and made something wonderful out of them..husband and wife! I can't even fathom my life with out Matthew McClain! He has brought out the best in me and has made me want to be a better woman, mother, and wife.
Here are some pics of us throughout the past four years!!
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